Podcast Like a Boss: Lifetime Access to All Content for $59

Podcast Like a Boss: Lifetime Access to All Content for $59
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Expires May 31, 2120 06:59 PST
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You already have a business, but you want to have a podcast. You’ve heard how they can make money, increase brand awareness, grow your tribe, but there are millions of crappy articles online about how to do it. Maybe you’re overwhelmed with the sheer amount of things you think you have to do to get your podcast up and running, also known as “podcrastinating”. Perhaps you’re looking for a way to share your knowledge and expertise to build your authority in your industry.

This masterclass is not about teaching you a few well-worn tips for podcasting, it’s about helping guide you through launching a podcast that helps and drives your business forward. The sole goal is to make sure you come out of this class with a plan to go from podcast idea to published show that helps your business.

  • Access 7 modules & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Get clear on your purpose, define your point-of-view, who your listener is, & let people know what to expect before they ever hit “subscribe”
  • Learn about format, editorial calendars, creating compelling content, & creating editorial boundaries that will help you launch a podcast people actually want to listen to
  • Understand tech & logistics: recording, editing, hosting & delivering your podcasts to listeners
  • Create systems & workflows that will keep your podcast running smoothly behind-the-scenes
  • Launch your podcast & get noticed by iTunes and other platforms
  • Attract, grow & nurture raving fans
  • Monetize your podcast through sponsors, digital products, repackaging content, affiliate, paid community, events, speaking & more
Aside from the 7 modules, you'll also get 7 interactive workbooks, PDFs of keynotes, start-to-finish PDF checklist, and origin stories video for Invisible Office Hours + Being Boss.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: web & mobile streaming
  • Certification of completion included
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Updates included
  • Experience level required: all levels


  • Any device with basic specifications



Kathleen Shannon is the founder of Braid Creative and Consulting, a boutique branding agency, and consultancy she co-owns with her sister. Together they have helped thousands of creative entrepreneurs authentically brand and position themselves as creative experts.

Emily Thompson is a long-time business coach and creative warrior, helping retailers, makers, coaches, and designers develop an online business model and grow their creative business. She is also the founder of Almanac Supply Co., a retail business that makes and curates products that help people connect with nature.

Paul Jarvis is a designer and writer who makes simple and humane products. Paul’s worked with professional athletes like Steve Nash and Shaquille O’Neal, corporate giants like Microsoft and Mercedes-Benz, and entrepreneurs with online empires like Danielle LaPorte and Marie Forleo. Paul’s writing and ideas have been featured in WIRED, Fast Company, VICE, USA Today, Quartz, and more.

Jason Zook is a serial entrepreneur best known for creating one of the first social media marketing companies, IWearYourShirt. Jason has gone on to publish two books about his entrepreneurial endeavors. He’s created over 30 products and services and loves pushing the boundaries of what’s seen as normal. He currently co-runs two businesses with his wife, Teachery (an online course platform), and Wandering Aimfully (a small biz community).

Together, Kathleen, Emily, Paul, and Jason have created podcasts that have sat atop the rankings of Apple Podcasts, amassing over 7.5 million downloads combined while also generating nearly $1m in revenue directly from their podcasting efforts.

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